Intake Quizz

A Quick Assessment of Your Personal Brand
Let’s take a quick moment to assess your personal brand! You might not realize it, but you already have a personal brand, and to a large extent, it’s defined by how others perceive you. Knowing how you come across to others can be incredibly valuable. So, let’s start by gathering some information to make sure we’re on the right track.

"*" indicates required fields

Social Handles
I have a strong LinkedIn Profile - over 500 connections*
I’ve had a positive 360/peer review in the past 12 months*
I have not changed industries in the last two years*
Colleagues have endorsed my skills/knowledge/expertise on LinkedIn*
I have my own professional branded website*
I am engaged in social media and have over 10k followers*
I have been promoted in my job in the last two years.*
I have been asked to serve or currently serve on a board*
I have been asked to present and lead company meetings*
I have been recruited actively on LinkedIn*
My expertise is easily understood on social media and career platforms*
I have received a performance raise in the last 12 months (bonus)*
I am responsible for the management and training of teams*
I have a strong online brand presence. Top 5 Search Results for my Name*
My online profile can be found on LinkedIn*
I've googled myself and I appear in the top 5 results*
I regularly receive positive performance reviews from my manager(s)*
I have achieved additional certifications and education for my industry*
I have a Masters Degree or Higher Education*
I am asked to contribute to process or strategic planning*
I have been asked to serve or currently serve on a board*
I have received awards and achievements related to my industry.*
My personal profile can be found on our company about us/team page*
4 I have my own professional website*
My title and/or salary progression is notable*
I contribute content for reputable industry and business publications*
I am asked to provide content or speak in areas outside of my immediate network*
I volunteer in one or more organizations not related to my industry*
I am introduced by colleagues and managers to their professional contacts*
I am mentioned in social media (mentions, tags, shares) by others*